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Mistakes to Avoid If You Drive a Motorcycle in Buffalo

Mistakes to Avoid If You Drive a Motorcycle in Buffalo

It sometimes feels as though all the motorcycles that call the streets of Buffalo home seem to go into hibernation during the winter months. Come warm weather, and they’re back again, roaring down the streets, causing older generations to grumble endearingly about “hoodlums” and “noise pollution”. Cruising around cars and traffic that meander lazily along […]

Suing a Drunk Driver for Your Injuries

Suing a Drunk Driver for Injuries

How to Bring a Civil Suit if you Were Injured by a Drunk Driver New York is a “no fault” state when it comes to auto accidents. That means that in the case of an accident, each driver’s insurance will pay for (at least a part of) the damages, regardless of fault. This is generally […]