
Category Archives: Buffalo Personal Injury Blog

How Bad Your Injury Needs To Be To Have a Claim

Buffalo Accident Attorney Explains How Bad Your Injury Needs to Be to Bring Forward a Claim

Have you recently been injured and want to know how bad your injury needs to be to have a claim? Call our Buffalo lawyers to get started now. As an experienced Buffalo Accident Attorney, sometimes clients will contact us after an accident but may be hesitant to come in and schedule an appointment. Oftentimes, they’re […]

Seriously Injured on a Boat

What Types of Injuries Occur in Boating Accidents?

Have you been seriously injured on a boat? If so, contact our experienced Buffalo attorneys for dedicated representation on your claim. As an experienced Buffalo Accident Lawyer, when I get calls from clients who were injured seriously in a boating accident, we recommend they do a couple things immediately if they haven’t done so already. […]

Buffalo Personal Injury Lawyer Discusses a No-Fault Claim

Buffalo Personal Injury Lawyer Discusses a No-Fault Claim

As an experienced Buffalo Personal Injury Lawyer, I actually have had clients call in the past who were confused about what rights they have in an accident. Oftentimes this stems from their confusion of the terms no-fault and no-fault insurance. Some people simply assume that if there’s a no-fault statute involved, and that they can’t […]

Buffalo Personal Injury Attorney Explains Being Liable for a Dangerous Condition Created by a Contractor

Buffalo Personal Injury Attorney Explains if a Home Owner Can Be Liable for a Dangerous Condition Created by an Independent Contractor

As an experienced Buffalo Personal Injury Attorney, sometimes I get phone calls from clients who were hurt in a home where there was a dangerous condition present. Oftentimes it was caused by a contractor, or somebody working for or with the homeowner. In these situations, the homeowner has the ultimate responsibility for hiring, supervising, and […]

Being Injured by Falling Debris from a Building

Buffalo Personal Injury Attorney Discusses Being Injured by Falling Debris from a Building

Have you been injured by falling debris from a building? If so, contact our experienced Buffalo attorneys to schedule a free consultation now! As an experienced Buffalo Injury Attorney, I’ve had some cases where clients have been injured by way of falling debris from a building. In these types of cases, the one thing we […]

Buffalo Accident Attorney Discusses Filing a Claim if Injured as a Passenger on a Boat

Buffalo Accident Attorney Discusses Filing a Claim if Injured as a Passenger on a Boat

As an experienced Buffalo Boat Accident Attorney, I often receive phone calls from people who are injured in boating accidents in Western New York. Frequently, it’s passengers in boats calling to see if there’s a potential case due to an injury they sustained due to the operation of the boat by the driver. Sometimes drinking […]

Buffalo Accident Attorney Discusses Filing a Claim if Injured as a Passenger in a Car

Buffalo Accident Attorney Discusses Filing a Claim if Injured as a Passenger in a Car

As an experienced Buffalo Accident Attorney, sometimes I receive phone calls from people that are injured as a passenger in a vehicle, and they’d like to know what their options are as far as bringing a claim. Passengers are what we refer to as a pure plaintiff. A passenger cannot have fault in an accident […]

Buffalo Accident Lawyer Discusses Filing a Claim if Injured as a Passenger on a Motorcycle

Buffalo Accident Lawyer Discusses Filing a Claim if Injured as a Passenger on a Motorcycle

As an experienced Buffalo Accident Lawyer, sometimes I get calls from people who are passengers on motorcycles who are involved in an accident. One of the most frequent questions people have in these types of situations is what kind of benefits are available to them. Passengers are just along for the ride, so they have no […]

Recreational Injuries

Buffalo Accident Lawyer Discusses Recreational Injuries

Are you suffering from recreational injuries? If so, contact our experienced Buffalo lawyers to get started on your claim immediately. As an experienced Buffalo Accident Lawyer, sometimes I get calls from clients who are injured recreationally, whether they be at Canalside or ice skating at Buffalo Place. The answer really depends on what the condition […]