Buffalo Personal Injury Lawyers / Mistakes That Can Ruin Your Negligent Security Claim

Mistakes That Can Ruin Your Negligent Security Claim

Learn about the common mistakes that can ruin your negligent security claim by watching this video from our experienced Buffalo injury attorney.


What mistakes should I avoid when filing a negligent security claim?


Mistakes That Can Ruin Your Negligent Security Claim One of the most frequent mistakes in a negligent security case is the assumption that somebody else is going to collect names of the witnesses. You can’t assume that the premises owner who fills out the report is going to prepare it properly. Other mistakes include not collecting evidence at the scene, such as pictures, and not getting the names and contact information of any witnesses. Not preserving any information or evidence from the start is something that could be a critical mistake.

Were you or a loved one injured due to inadequate security and have questions about what mistakes can ruin your negligent security claim?
Contact our office today to schedule a free consultation with our experienced Buffalo negligent security lawyers.

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