
Reporting Childhood Sexual Abuse

Check out this video to learn how our experienced attorneys can help guide you in the process of reporting childhood sexual abuse claims.



Can my attorney report my child sexual abuse case?


We’re often asked if we can report the sexual abuse case, and the answer is absolutely.Reporting Childhood Sexual Abuse There are a couple different ways that we can report them to get the claim started, and having your attorney help from the get-go is going to be your best bet to get things filed on time. Within that statute, the Child Victims Act, there’s a one-year window. It’s a relatively short window, although it is helpful for older cases that now have a chance to be brought. You should seek counsel immediately.

Were you or a loved one abused as a child and have questions about reporting childhood sexual abuse? Contact a Buffalo clergy abuse lawyer at Andrews, Bernstein & Maranto, PLLC today for a free confidential consultation and case evaluation. Let our experience work for you.

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