
Sexual Abuse Testimony

Watch this video to learn about whether you will need to make a sexual abuse testimony against the church if you come forward. Free consultation.



Will I have to make a statement to the church if I bring a claim forward?


People ask if they’ll have to make a statement to the church or testify if they bring a claim like this for sexual abuse by a priest.Sexual Abuse Testimony It really does depend. Once a case goes into suit, if it is not settled before suit, they might go to a deposition which is a recorded statement under oath where you talk about what happened and the circumstances surrounding it. Many times, we can resolve these cases after we share written statements of what’s happened in paper discovery prior to a deposition. Beyond that, though, there’s no need to give any statement to the church. It’s a legal process now, and we file the claims process and then litigation process as well.

Were you or a loved one abused as a child and have questions about sexual abuse testimony? Contact a Buffalo clergy abuse lawyer at Andrews, Bernstein & Maranto, PLLC today for a free confidential consultation and case evaluation. Let our experience work for you.

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