
Attorney Client Communication

What type of attorney client communication should you get from your Buffalo injury lawyers? Watch this video to learn what to expect from us.

When clients come in for the first intake, when we’re finishing our meeting, some ask, “What can I expect from your firm as far as communication goes?” What I tell them is that we have dedicated employees. We have a couple who are focused on calling the clients, keeping them informed, getting updates from the regarding treatment, medical providers, and maybe any new issues or concerns they have. They note that phone call. They have set questions that they’re supposed to ask. They also email the attorney and let them know what’s new, what’s different, or what concerns the client may have, so they can either work with us to provide an answer or have us answer that directly.

The communication happens on a regular basis, but we also expect our clients to give us a call if something new or different pops up, if they have a referral to a new provider, if they were referred for a new diagnostic test – MRIs, x-rays, EMG studies, etc. It’s a two-way street, but we do have staff that are dedicated to reaching out to the clients on a periodic basis to get info from them that we then process, order, and then share with the other side.

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The Personal Injury Lawyers at Andrews, Bernstein & Maranto, PLLC fight for the rights of persons who are injured or disabled. We approach each case on an individual basis and personally assist each client with their unique needs. We are involved in every step of the legal process, and ensure that each case receives the time and effort necessary for success. 

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