
Buffalo Accident Attorney Discusses Damages that are Recoverable in a Child Injury Case

As an experienced Buffalo Accident Attorney, I often speak to clients who have had a child injured in an injury case.  If your child is seriously injured in an accident, it is important to contact an attorney immediately. Whenever an individual is seriously injured, the first thing that person should do is get medical care. The second thing is contact an attorney. Many statutes of limitations are applicable to accident cases – including periods of time within which no-fault applications have to be filed, dates when MV104s must be filed and, ultimately, statutes of limitations for the negligence case itself.

Insurance companies are keenly aware that, if they can get information from people early on, they can use it later in defense of their case. That’s why I would suggest that you never talk with an insurance company. Instead, have your attorney talk to the insurance company on behalf of you and your child.

Was your child injured in an accident, and think it’s time to collect damages?  Contact experienced Buffalo Accident Attorney Robert Maranto to fight for you.

This educational legal blog was brought to you by Robert Maranto, an experienced Buffalo Accident Lawyer.