
Defending a Slip and Fall Claim

Do you need help defending a slip and fall claim? Our Buffalo slip and fall lawyers are here to help you. Here is what you need to know.

Defending a Slip and Fall Claim | Proving You Weren’t at Fault

It all comes down to the credibility of the person who’s making the claim, but also a combination of how the story fits in with what the physical structures look like that may have been a cause of that fall. Your attorney should look for any possible witnesses in the area, take photos of the area where it happened, and look for any video surveillance or safety cameras that are around. It’s common to have private homes to have their own security system.

Defending a Slip and Fall Claim | Case Mistakes

One of the biggest case mistakes in slip and fall claims comes down to an injured person forgetting to take photos. When you’re injured, and you fall, you’re often embarrassed.

The biggest mistake they make is not documenting by way of photos that dangerous condition they fell upon. For example, if it was a large puddle of water, or if something was spilled, or if a carpet was overturned, getting that in a photograph to show why they fell is critically important to the case.

Another thing that they fail to do is to request a copy of the incident report or give a statement when they should have talked to their attorney first.

The third mistake with slip and fall cases comes down to not get names and phone numbers of people who may have seen them fall. Those witnesses can be critically important to winning any slip and fall case.

Download Our Free Slip and Fall Injury Guide

Defending a Slip and Fall Claim | Warning Signs

Putting up a warning sign alone does not wipe out a landowner’s responsibility to be careful and to not be negligent to others that are either passing by or passing through.

If somebody enters a property and falls into a condition that is dangerous, because the sign was not visible, then that warning sign would have no bearing. Warning signs alone are one factor to consider to your case but are not determinative in and of themselves of negligence regarding the happening of a fall.

Do you want a fierce lawyer who is experienced in defending a slip and fall claim? Please call our Buffalo injury lawyers today for a free consultation.

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