
Non-Recent Childhood Abuse

Are you afraid it’s too late to report non-recent childhood abuse? Watch this video to learn about the rights you now have under the child victims act.


Is it too late if I was abused as a child?


Sometimes we’re asked, “If I were an adult and abused by a priest in New York State, is it too late for me to act?”Non-Recent Childhood Abuse If the abuse occurred while you were an adult, then the statute of limitations is going to be the same as it was before the act, and you have to look and see when that abuse occurred. The Child Victim Act is really focused on helping those people who were abused when they were minors to come forth now and pursue a claim, even though they might not have brought one in a timely fashion, because before the Victims Act was passed they only had until age 23. Now that we have passed ours, Pennsylvania and New Jersey are also considering adopting a similar statute in allowing victims of past abuse to come forward to file claims.

Were you or a loved one abused as a child and have questions about reporting non-recent childhood abuse? Contact a Buffalo clergy abuse lawyer at Andrews, Bernstein & Maranto, PLLC today for a free confidential consultation and case evaluation. Let our experience work for you.

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