
Car Accident Involving a Drunk Driver

Were you or a loved one in a serious car accident involving a drunk driver? Contact our experienced Buffalo attorneys to fight for you.

As a dedicated Buffalo Injury Attorney, clients will call after being involved in a car accident caused by a drunk driver, they often ask, “Are there any special circumstances? What is unique about these claims?” In these circumstances, we try to cooperate with the DA’s office and the police investigation.

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I always advise our clients to appear at any court dates of which they’re made aware and to preserve all evidence regarding property damage estimates. Sometimes, the DA wants to see the medical bills as a way to gauge the extent of your injury. Also, when someone engages in this type of behavior and causes injury, it can have a punitive effect or result in a claim being made against the other driver – especially if their alcohol consumption was a direct cause of the injury or accident.

Were you involved in a serious car accident that was the fault of a drunk driver?  Contact experienced Buffalo Injury Attorneys at Andrews, Bernstein & Maranto, PLLC to fight for you.

This short informational legal video was provided by the experienced Buffalo attorneys at Andrews, Bernstein & Maranto, PLLC.

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