Buffalo Personal Injury Lawyers / Common Injury Deposition Questions

Common Injury Deposition Questions

What Questions Will I Be Asked at My Deposition?

In this video, we discuss the type of questions you will be asked at your injury deposition.  Contact one of our experienced Buffalo injury attorneys if you were injured.

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We like to conduct a very thorough prep for your injury deposition before you walk through the door on that very important day in your case. As your attorneys, we are restricted as to what we can do at the deposition itself, and the defense attorney will ask you questions – sometimes a lot of questions. We want to make sure you’re prepared for all of those questions and not caught off guard by anything. We make sure you know and understand the process – and that you’re comfortable with it before you walk in there.

We prefer to have that meeting as close as possible before your deposition and use our many, many years of experience in doing this to share samples of the kinds of questions you can expect to be asked. We’ll go through a little bit of your background, the incident itself – whether it’s about a car accident or fault – and then go through your medical records to refresh your recollection as to what you did, whether it’s as recent as six months ago or as far back as two or three years. Obviously, memories often fade, so it’s important to go back and look through those records. That way, you can say, “Oh, yeah. I did tell this doctor that or that.” That kind of thing is important because they will typically ask you all kinds of stuff at your deposition and we don’t want you to be caught off guard.

It’s really critical that we get you to the point where you’re comfortable and feel confident walking into your deposition – whether we spend an hour or two, or sometimes three hours – and we may do that over the course of a few days if you’ve had a lot of treatment. Once that’s done, you can answer all of their questions, from simple background questions to details about the accident itself, what you fell on, what you said to this doctor, or the order of the doctors you saw. We also prepare you for a lot of surprise questions we don’t want you to get caught off guard by, such as those regarding a possible criminal background, your driver’s license, and things like that.

That’s really a critical element of every case because most cases don’t go to trial. In most cases, the most important moment is the deposition, so it’s extremely important that you’re well prepared.