Did you get bit by a dog but unsure if you have a case? Learn how to win your dog bite claim in this blog, then contact our Buffalo attorneys.
One Bite Rule

Qualifying a Good Dog Bite Case
Steps To Take After Bitten
Common Mistakes To Avoid
When you’re just walking through the neighborhood and something like this happens to you, you probably won’t think about trying to pin point where the attack came from or how it happened.
The other issue is trying to lock down information regarding any prior bites or prior vicious propensities. Neighbors are often the best resource for that because they’ve seen the dog over the years, often times lunging at the mailman. If you can knock on a door, show the neighbor what happened. then the neighbors become much more helpful because they don’t want anyone else attacked. When people see the damage that this dog has done, they tend to be much more cooperative. This gives us the information that we can use against the insurance company to let them know that this dog, in fact, has had problems beforehand.
Did you get bit by a dog but unsure if you have a case? Learn if you have a good qualifying dog bite case and how to win your dog bite claim by contacting our Buffalo Dog Bite Attorneys to schedule your free confidential consultation and legal case evaluation. We can help you!
Download Our Free Dog Bite Injury Guide
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