Buffalo Personal Injury Lawyers / Mistakes to Avoid After a Slip and Fall Injury

Mistakes to Avoid After a Slip and Fall Injury

This short informational legal video was provided by the experienced Buffalo attorneys at Andrews, Bernstein & Maranto, PLLC. detailing the common mistakes to avoid after a slip and fall injury to maximize your recovery.

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Some of the most common mistakes to avoid after a slip and fall injury is forgetting to take photos. When you’re injured, and you fall, you’re often embarrassed. That’s the biggest response I get is I just wanted to get up, I wanted to get out of there, I was embarrassed. The biggest mistake they make is not documenting by way of photos that dangerous condition they fell upon. For example, if it was a large puddle of water, or if something was spilled, or if a carpet was overturned, getting that in a photograph to show why that person fell is critically important to the case.

Another thing that they fail to do is to request a copy of the incident report, or they give a statement when they’re all shaken up. What they should do is pause, not give a statement, and talk to their attorney first.

The third mistake I think I see with slip and fall cases is people fail to get names and phone numbers of people who may have seen them fall, because those witnesses can be critically important to any slip and fall case.

The Personal Injury Lawyers at Andrews, Bernstein & Maranto, PLLC fight for the rights of persons who are injured or disabled. We approach each case on an individual basis and personally assist each client with their unique needs. We are involved in every step of the legal process, and ensure that each case receives the time and effort necessary for success. 

Out of Town Legal Resources

These California Slip and Fall Lawyers have done a great job creating educational content. If you need help with a slip and fall claim in California, we recommend you take a look at their website.

These San Antonio Slip and Fall Lawyers have done a great job creating educational content. If you need help with a slip and fall claim in San Antonio, we recommend you take a look at their website.