
Filing a No Fault Injury Claim

In this video, our experienced Buffalo injury attorney discusses everything you need to know about filing a no fault injury claim in New York State.


How do I file a no-fault injury claim?


Filing a No Fault Injury Claim If you are involved in a car accident in New York State, every vehicle operating within our state must carry no-fault insurance. No-fault insurance is a first-party coverage that is required to provide you medical benefits, wage benefits, ancillary benefits, and incidentals. In order to file a no-fault claim, the no-fault documentation must be filled out and signed, generally in three places, and provided back to the insurance company. There is actually a no-fault form which must be sent back to the insurance company within 30 days. That is a statute of limitations, meaning after the 30 days, the insurance company has strong arguments that they can deny your benefits. It’s very important on an expedited basis to make sure that the form is properly filled out, properly executed, and sent to them with documentation that’s been received by them.

Were you or a loved one seriously injured in an accident and have questions about filing a no-fault injury claim?
Contact an experienced Buffalo car accident lawyer at Andrews, Bernstein & Maranto, PLLC today for a free confidential consultation and case evaluation.
Let our experience work for you.

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