Buffalo Personal Injury Lawyers / Bus Caused an Accident

Bus Caused an Accident

If you were seriously injured because a bus caused an accident, watch this video and call our law firm for a free consultation.
In the event that you are seriously injured in a bus accident, the first thing that you should do is contact us. You should absolutely not talk to the insurance company and talk as little as possible to the NFTA Police if they come. Even if the Buffalo Police come, remember that the NFTA Police and the Buffalo Police all know each other as well, so I would refrain from giving too much information. The most important thing with respect to a bus accident case is number one, being able to get through the statement period unscathed; number two, recognizing that there’s an abbreviated statute of limitations; and number three, making sure that you are in a position to have all of your medical benefits in place so that you can find out what’s wrong with you. In a case where the NFTA bus driver was potentially at fault for the accident, and you’re getting no-fault benefits through the bus company, you need to remember that they have an incentive to send you out to an independent medical examination quickly. What that means is that the NFTA will hire a doctor of their choice to determine whether or not you need additional treatment. They can get an opinion that you don’t need treatment early on, to say that will help them with respect to the rest of their case because that would transfer over to your case against them on your injuries side. We need to find out what’s wrong with you, and do so fairly quickly, so they don’t find a doctor that will indicate that you need no treatment and then you’ll be precluded from getting it. Attorney Robert Maranto is a partner with Andrews, Bernstein & Maranto, PLLC and has achieved the rating of superb on Avvo. The Personal Injury Lawyers at Andrews, Bernstein & Maranto, PLLC fight for the rights of persons who are injured or disabled. We approach each case on an individual basis and personally assist each client with their unique needs. We are involved in every step of the legal process, and ensure that each case receives the time and effort necessary for success.